Thursday, March 29, 2012

Congratulations Golden Heart Finalist Terri Osburn!

Every year Romance Writer's of America (RWA) announces the finalists in its RITA and Golden Heart contests. This year I'm insanely excited to be able to squee over my friend and writing mate Terri Osburn being nominated for a Golden Heart in the Single Title Contemporary Romance category!

If you aren't aware of these contests, check out the RWA link here.

Basically the RITA is like the Oscars of the Romance Book world for published authors and the Golden Heart is for unpublished authors. It's an amazing honor to be nominated and I'm so proud of Terri!

Please go check out Terri's blog to wish her well and check out a snippet of her Golden Heart Nominated story Meant to Be!

1 comment:

  1. HOW did I not know you did this??? I feel like a horrible person for missing it. Thank you so much. You're a beaming light in my world and I'm so lucky to have you as a friend!


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